April 2008 at Great-Grandpa and Grandma Bellows
Monday, July 28, 2008
On your mark, Get set, "Go!"
April 2008 at Great-Grandpa and Grandma Bellows
Jaeden the Ob/Gyn
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Words and More Words
Jaeden at almost 16 months, Jan 2007
Jayce one year ago, July 2007
This evening made me hopeful that Jayce will soon be using more words and less "ahnhn" (currently his word for everything!) and pointing. His new favorite activity is standing on the coffee table or ottoman and attempting to jump. Of course being only 14 months, he does still require help to lower himself to the ground, and is not truly 'jumping'. However, he repeatedly kept saying "jump" every time!! I do wonder why both of my kids have always been so eager to jump. A normal child is able to jump between the age of 2-3 years. Jaeden was successfully jumping with both feet off the ground several months before he turned 2 years, and it seems that Jayce will be following in his lead. The scary thing is being able to read Jayce's mind eventhough he is not talking. His face definitely reads "How do I make myself jump?"
The other words Jayce shared with us this evening were Dog and thank you. He has said thank you before, but it's been awhile, and it was the first time he said dog that I know of. At least my mom was here to vouch for these words because when I tried to have Jayce tell his daddy the words, he thought it was funnier to blow raspberries.
Another story from this morning: We were all sitting at the breakfast table, when Joel asked 'what do we do before we eat?' and Jayce instantly folded his arms, and i think attempted to say the word 'prayer' He responded much faster than Jaeden.
Memory Lane: By 15 months, Jaeden was regularly using the words - outside, elephant, horse, cat, dog, pancake, apple, mama, dada, more, all done, help, no, up, 'hold you', teletubbies
By 19 months, Jaeden was counting from one to ten.
Monday, July 14, 2008
A regular day at the Jorgensen house
Today was aunt mandy's birthday and jayce's 14 month birthday. He wished her happy birthday this morning in his single word language "ahnhnhn" It's amazing how different each child is. Jaeden was still not walking at this age, and jayce is running. Joel was chasing him tonight (one of jayce's favorite games), and jayce almost knocked me down while I was walking down the hall. It's amazing how fast he runs, although i know it's in the genes.
Of course, Jaeden was saying and signing over 50 words at this age, and the only two words jayce says regularly are 'mama' and 'amen' he has said a handful of other words, but only on rare occasions. Just over the past 2-3 days, Jayce has started to fold his arms for prayer. If you tell him it's time to pray he will stop and hold his arms. He then anticipates when to say amen, so it usually comes a little earlier.
On the subject of church, Sunday during sacrament meeting I was sitting between jaeden and joel. During one of the prayers, i hear jaeden whispering, "daddy close your eyes, daddy close your eyes" I had to nudge joel so he could pray correctly. Jaeden obviously knows the rules, we just wish he would chose to follow them more often.
Once we obtain some recent pics off my parent's camera, I will have more interesting things to share. The first week or two of blogs will not be chronological. I want to try and go back a blog some recent happenings.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Initial Blog
So, I have created a new blog, since we have no clue how to access the first short lived blog from over one year ago. My goal is to post at least once a week. So hopefully I will keep up with my goal. Pictures will be added more regularly as my skills improve. I created this blog (not joel) so I will remember how to access it :) We hope you all enjoy our daily moments with silly jaeden and goofy jayce. And not to be missed is the OHIO STATE inspired background. Yes, both of these pictures are over 4 months old, since we rarely upload pics off our camera, which that is to change very soon!!!