Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Week

SATURDAY - We had another fun pre-xmas weekend with my mom's sister Lisa. The boys loved decorating their gingerbread house at grandma junie's again. One of the roofs broke, which is why there is an angel over the hole. Jaeden picked this roof and said it was angel moroni, so it must be a gingerbread temple.

The final product.

SUNDAY - These were attempted after church on Sunday

Jaxon's typical face when being attacked by his brothers...esp jayce, who loves to pull on his arms and legs.

The best of MANY attepmted pictures.

For Family home evening we went carolling and delivered treats to some friends in our ward. The boys loved it!
Our Primary Activity finally happened after being postponed due to snow. Of course, we scheduled the activity on the only day it snowed in Houston this year - Dec 4. Jaeden has been waiting patiently all month to go carolling and be on the hayride. It turned out to be lots of fun, and the temperature was in the 60s, it was almost HOT!

On the hayride.

Junie and Jaxon before the hayride.

I did some last minute shopping, and my mom and I took the boys to play at the mall.
The boys spent the afternoon at Grandma's, so Joel and I could clean the house and make room for incoming toys. We also acted out the birth of Jesus reading Luke 2 and Matthew 2. Unfortunately there are not pictures, Jaeden played a shepherd and a wiseman. Jaeden's face was priceless for 'the shepherds were afraid'. Jayce was Joseph and then a wiseman. My mom narrated and was an angel, my dad was a wiseman. of course, jaxon and i were baby jesus and mary. When we arrived home, the boys threw there 'reindeer food' on the front lawn, and we put out a plate of cookies and carrots. Jaeden is soooo excited he can't sleep. He's still awake now after being in bed for the past 1.5 hours.

I didn't have any other pictures to include, but these are from Thanksgiving weekend. The boys were outside 'helping' Dad decorate the house with lights.

This year's Santa List...

Jaeden: 1) marching band hat (yes, that's what he's been asking for all month, and no, we don't know where he got that idea from)
2) checkers (again, i don't think he's ever played)
3) jack-in-the-box (a friend brought his for show and tell at school, and yes, we've deprived him for 4 years without one.)
4) today, he said, "did i remember to ask Santa for 'Super Why' toys?"

Jayce: 1) thomas the train (seriously, that is the only thing he's asked for, which of course they have plenty of, and he really doesn't play with them that much)

Jaxon: 1) to survive living with my two older brothers

This was the third year we've been to visit Santa and his reindeer 'Comet' out where we will be building our house, hopefully starting in one year :)

This was the only picture I snapped when we saw Santa at the mall. I keep very low expectations when attempting pics of a 4 year old and 2 year old, but it actually turned out decent.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jaxon - 2 months

Jaxon had his 2 month visit this morning. He weighed in at 13 lbs 3 oz, 90% and 24 inches, 90%. I knew he was chubby!! He's been smiling lots recently and surviving his older brothers. I was amazed I actually got some pics with a little smile.