Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jessica's boy all the way

I am now sure that Jaeden has mostly his mommies genes. Tonight when we finished family scripture time we sang our songs as normal. We all choose a church song that we want to sing that night. During some of the fast upbeat songs the boys run around, jump, clap, or climb on mommy or daddy. well tonight Jaeden tried something new. We were in the middle of singing one of their favorite songs when we here Jaeden call out "watch this". As Jess and I turn our head to see what he is doing we see him jump up from his scripture mat and drop his pants showing us his business. Jess and I had to do everything we could not to laugh. Jayce meanwhile thought that Jaeden's new move was hysterical so he began to try it, thank heavens he can't get his diaper down as fast as Jaeden can his drawers. Well needless to say we put an end to this move especially during a supposedly religious moment. I know what everyone is thinking and I totally concur that Jaeden is just like Jessica. There is no way I would have done this as a child. Just ask my mom I was innocent and sweet. I think we are in trouble he is only 3.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

And the winner is....

Grandma G - yes, the large lump on his head is from a mosquito bite. Jayce is very allergic and swells very quickly after any mosquito bite. The bite occurred Sunday evening, the picture was taken Monday evening, and by Tuesday, there was no evidence of any bite or bump. The week before Jayce got two bites on his right hand (within 2 days) and his hand was huge and very red!!! I kept thinking he had cellulitis. For some reason, the head bite did not get as red as usual. For those that have been reading the blog for could refer to an older post 9/28/08 "Jayce's words at 16 months", that shows his very swollen ear from one mosquito bite!!

2nd place goes to the one who answered "head shut in car door" if you look at the top picture there is a bruise over his cheek bone. this occurred on saturday when jaeden tried closing the car door, but unfortunatly jayce's head was in the way! however, the large lump is definitely from a mosquito bite, i saw the initial bite and watched it swell over a few short hours.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What happened here?

I don't know what it is about the 2nd child, but he tends to get more bumps, bruises, and boo-boos than the 1st. I'm sure having an older brother is part of the issue, but jayce is not a clumsy kid, he's actually very coordinated for an almost 2 year old. you can answer the question in the poll, and the answer will be posted in a few days.