Friday, September 30, 2011

Jaeden's 6th Birthday

Jaeden had a fun 6th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. He would have rather had the party at home, but with just moving and a new baby, I wasn't going to kill myself.  It was small but fun. The theme was superheroes. His favorite superhero being Wolverine. Of course, batman and superman are never out of style!!!
The party hat.

Cupcakes... that's wolverine's hand on the right ones.

In the ticket blaster, serious face, but said it was his favorite thing.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Day of school pictures

Jayce started school after Labor Day and is going 2 days a week for now. Yes, he's wearing a long sleeve shirt, which is all he's been wearing in our record breaking heat wave this year. I'll never understand this kid. He continues to be super silly and always making us laugh.

Jaeden started Kindergarten Aug 22nd.  I was hoping to make it through the first week before Jordan arrived, and fortunately I did. He arrived the first Friday of school. Jaeden was super excited to pick out his Scooby Doo lunch box. He has been loving school so far and making lots of new friends.

Jordan's 1st month

Since I haven't been blogging, this will sum up the last month for Jordan....

2 days old - First day at home nice and quiet with mommy while the family went to church

10 days old - Sleeping with dad while Jaxon jumped on the couch

Sleeping in my swing. Mommy forgot to get a carseat picture on the way home from the hospital, but got this instead at 10 days old.

14 days old - Still playing with mommy. (A rare picture of me on the blog)

16 days old

17 days old - Jordan's already experiencing the danger of having 3 older brothers. Jaxon decided on his own to climb onto dad's head, using dad's hair to get up there.

22 days old - Buckeye pride starts early, even if the year may not be great. This jersey has been worn by a Jorgensen boy every season since 2005. (It's 12 months, and they have each worn it for 2 years). We'll see if it continues to survive as the gray is starting to come off.

4 weeks and weighing 10 lbs even with clothes on

Chubby Jordan

Night before Jordan turns one month old! Thanks Aunt Jody for the new outfit!!

I'm back!! Jordan's first blog appearance!

Well, I was never actually gone, but I know lots of people have been begging for pictures - Mandy, Aunt Carla - Yes, I said they were coming soon, but I'm early if the deadline was before he was one month old :)  At least 11 hours early!!!!  I have lots of pictures to post, so there may not be many words.  I actually prefer reading blogs (yes, Emily - I'm ok if there aren't any pictures) but I do enjoy looking at pictures too.

Jordan Anthony 7lbs 5 oz, and The Winner of the Poll was....his cousin - Wilson!

Messy face Jayce (it's NEVER clean) first time holding Jordan.

Biggest brother Jaeden who loves holding little babies and wants him to stay little.

My monster Jaxon not quite sure who this little guy is yet, but has grown to love Jordan.

Relaxing at the hospital.

On our way home, he left the hospital at 6 lbs 13 oz, but one month later is almost 10 lbs.

Love this picture

The first picture of our 4 boys!!! 
ps Jaxon's shirt was drying out after having cookies smeared on it. We do normally keep are kids clothed.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Buckeye Pride 2011

Our yearly pictures during football season. The boys didn't get to wear their jerseys as often with baseball and soccer on Saturday's as well, but they love cheering on the buckeyes!

This jersey continues to survive! It  has now been worn every year since 2005.

silly boys
O - H - I - O