Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Week

SATURDAY - We had another fun pre-xmas weekend with my mom's sister Lisa. The boys loved decorating their gingerbread house at grandma junie's again. One of the roofs broke, which is why there is an angel over the hole. Jaeden picked this roof and said it was angel moroni, so it must be a gingerbread temple.

The final product.

SUNDAY - These were attempted after church on Sunday

Jaxon's typical face when being attacked by his brothers...esp jayce, who loves to pull on his arms and legs.

The best of MANY attepmted pictures.

For Family home evening we went carolling and delivered treats to some friends in our ward. The boys loved it!
Our Primary Activity finally happened after being postponed due to snow. Of course, we scheduled the activity on the only day it snowed in Houston this year - Dec 4. Jaeden has been waiting patiently all month to go carolling and be on the hayride. It turned out to be lots of fun, and the temperature was in the 60s, it was almost HOT!

On the hayride.

Junie and Jaxon before the hayride.

I did some last minute shopping, and my mom and I took the boys to play at the mall.
The boys spent the afternoon at Grandma's, so Joel and I could clean the house and make room for incoming toys. We also acted out the birth of Jesus reading Luke 2 and Matthew 2. Unfortunately there are not pictures, Jaeden played a shepherd and a wiseman. Jaeden's face was priceless for 'the shepherds were afraid'. Jayce was Joseph and then a wiseman. My mom narrated and was an angel, my dad was a wiseman. of course, jaxon and i were baby jesus and mary. When we arrived home, the boys threw there 'reindeer food' on the front lawn, and we put out a plate of cookies and carrots. Jaeden is soooo excited he can't sleep. He's still awake now after being in bed for the past 1.5 hours.

I didn't have any other pictures to include, but these are from Thanksgiving weekend. The boys were outside 'helping' Dad decorate the house with lights.

This year's Santa List...

Jaeden: 1) marching band hat (yes, that's what he's been asking for all month, and no, we don't know where he got that idea from)
2) checkers (again, i don't think he's ever played)
3) jack-in-the-box (a friend brought his for show and tell at school, and yes, we've deprived him for 4 years without one.)
4) today, he said, "did i remember to ask Santa for 'Super Why' toys?"

Jayce: 1) thomas the train (seriously, that is the only thing he's asked for, which of course they have plenty of, and he really doesn't play with them that much)

Jaxon: 1) to survive living with my two older brothers

This was the third year we've been to visit Santa and his reindeer 'Comet' out where we will be building our house, hopefully starting in one year :)

This was the only picture I snapped when we saw Santa at the mall. I keep very low expectations when attempting pics of a 4 year old and 2 year old, but it actually turned out decent.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jaxon - 2 months

Jaxon had his 2 month visit this morning. He weighed in at 13 lbs 3 oz, 90% and 24 inches, 90%. I knew he was chubby!! He's been smiling lots recently and surviving his older brothers. I was amazed I actually got some pics with a little smile.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


So I didn't get very many pictures, but at least there were some. These were taken at Trunk-or-Treat, 10-23-09, and Jaxon was 6 days old.
All 3 boys were pirates, and Jaeden's hat is backwards since masks aren't allowed.

Jaeden zoomed through all the trunks so he could get back to hand out the candy. Grandma Junie assisted in passing out the candy.

The boys had a blast at trunk-or-treat. Jayce was a little confused by what was going on since he doesn't remember anything about last years. But as our resident sweet tooth, Jayce never refused any candy. The funny thing was when we got home and dumped the candy bags, the first thing Jayce picked up was the Halloween Pretzels, and he was very excited about the little orange bag of pretzels. He then proceeded to unwrap every sucker he got - approx 13. He tried most of them and then set them down. It was a fun night.

And we would have gone to the Baylor Parade - Homecoming if trunk or treat wasn't the night before, but we didn't want to drive late at night with a newborn.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Jaeden's quote...

After a morning cleaning up our messy house, Jaeden was very excited to find a small bouncy ball from his bday party (one of the party favors.) He happened to find it in a bucket of small balls. His comment was priceless. I wish I had a video of the event as Joel and I were laughing.

Jaeden came over to me and said "look mom" as he was holding up the bouncy ball. I'm sure I just responded "that's great Jaeden" He then continued by saying..."I saw the ball and was like 'what' 'what' .....and then I wasn't like 'what'."

It was pretty hilarious.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jaeden, Jayce and Jaxon

Waiting to leave the hospital....

Finally, leaving at 9:30 pm 10-18-09, after waiting all day for my Rhogam shot...

Our first day at home, 10-19-09...

Jaxon was by far the easiest in this photo shoot!! 10-20-09

Quote of the Month...

I'm never quite sure what Jaeden's thinking, but one morning his comment was...
"The Holy Ghost is like a toot." My response was, "how's that?" He instantly stated, "because you can't see the holy ghost and you can't see a toot." I did complete his thought by saying he was right, while you can't see either, you can feel both.

Also, the week before Jaxon was born we were discussing how to get him out. Jaeden's idea was to break my whole body and break the stomach, and then he would come out. His exact words were pretty comical.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Baby Poll Winner(s).....

Congrats to Papa Mittelstaedt for correctly choosing the day and sex, and to Jaeden for picking the correct day. Earlier this week Jaeden told us "the baby's coming on the 17th." He must have remembered the date he chose; otherwise, we're not sure why he said that.

The ironic thing is that for Jayce, Grandpa Jorgy chose the right date and sex, and we named him Jayce Arthur. And this time Papa Mittelstaedt was correct, and we named him Jaxon Rod.

Jaxon is now the 7th grandson on both sides of the family. At least the Jorgensen's have 2 granddaughters, but we're still waiting for a girl to appear on our side.

Welcome Baby Jaxon!

We were so excited to welcome our third boy - Baby Jaxon Rod Jorgensen at 6:33 AM, October 17, 2009. He weighed in at 7 lbs 3 oz and 21 1/4 inches. So far he has been pretty mellow, but I'm sure things will change as he hangs out with his older brothers. He's been the heaviest and hairiest of all the boys.

Waiting in the triage room.

Not even 2 hours old and already getting into mischief.

Me and the boys

Jaeden loves holding Jaxon, and really wants to get up and walk with him.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Quote of the Day...

Jaeden: "Jayce, Zachary is not a baseball." The boys were play fighting and swinging their new dragon toys (that look like rubber snakes). Jayce kept aiming for Zachary's head, even though heads were off limits.

All we heard from Jayce during their play fighting was... "I'm going to knock you to the ground." And he would take off charging.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Quote of the Day... chicken and bugs

Jaeden: "I don't have the chicken flu." This statement came after fussing at him for the millionth time that we don't put things in our mouth. We were shoppping at Sam's, and he put the buckle from the child safety belt in his mouth. I don't know why he still puts everything in his mouth. He's much worse than Jayce. He recently had his 4 year old well check, and he unfortunately suffered thru 4 shots. They were out of the flu vaccine, but he always wants to know the names of the other vaccines. He just remembers the chicken pox/varicella vaccine. I think that's how he came up with chicken flu.

Jayce loves bugs, and he is our resident bug picker upper. If there is a mention of a dead bug (most likely an ugly bug, aka roach, or as jayce says "cock-a-roach") He instantly runs to get a kleenex, so he can be the one to pick it up. It's great for me, who hates picking up bugs. I merely supervise, or make Joel supervise the bug picking up when he's home.

Several months ago, we had a week where we found a dead bug in the kitchen near the boys chairs several mornings in a row. Mostly likely because I don't sweep EVERYday. (fortunately they were all dead since we've sprayed inside and outside the house.) Anyways, Jaeden had the idea to leave a piece of celery for the bugs. A couple days later, he was very excited because he thought the bugs had eaten the celery. He didn't realize after 2 days, celery withers and browns making it unrecognizable for him. At least I was able to throw it away at that point. Jayce learned from this adventure that all food that goes on the floor is for bugs. He frequently asks if he can feed the bugs, when he wants to get rid of food. Or if he accidently drops a piece, he instantly says, "It's for the bugs" It's pretty funny, that he always trying to feed his beloved bugs.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Baby Poll Calendar

So, I posted the info we gathered for predicting when the next baby jorgensen will arrive. As you can see, I plan to have this baby in one week!! I've been very active, and trying to stand and walk most of the day to encourage the baby to arrive. (A trip to the zoo friday, shopping and the boys preschool carnival saturday, and housework all day today, moving small furniture in the nursery tomorrow, Old MacDonald's Farm wed with the boys, work on thurs... and I keep telling Joel I'm mowing the lawn on Monday (the 12th). It's 65% boy and 35% girl, but 2 of the girl votes are from Jaeden and Jayce who want a baby sister. If anyone else, would like to enter the poll just leave me a comment and I'll enter you in. You can only have 2 on one date, and one must have boy, the other girl. (exception for the grandmas that picked the same date) The Glorious prize..... the pride in knowing you picked correctly!!! :)

Things the boys say...

Jayce: "Open your belly." translation - lift up your shirt so I can play/poke/sing at your belly/baby. Earlier today, he played construction on the belly using a saw, hammer and drill. Fortunately he's learned to be gentle. This is a fun activity at home, but he tends to say it everywhere we go, but luckily my shirt has only been lifted up at home. Jaeden on the other hand does not usually like to see my belly and is always trying to close the shirt.

Jaeden: "Jaeden would like..." "Jaeden told Jayce to ..." " Jaeden...." yes, for the last 2 weeks, he has decided to speak in third person. we're not sure where this came from, but it keeps us laughing.

One of Jayce's favorite activities is to fall from standing straight to the ground. He goes from vertical to horizontal without bending anything. I'm really not sure what hits first. Occasionally, it's his hands, but he looks more like a belly flop on the ground. yesterday, he decided to a belly flop from his stool (which is only about 8 inches high) but he was standing on the stool, and the next thing we knew he was lying on the ground. Only once did he hit his nose, but it didn't stop him from doing it again.

Jaeden's current favorite song is "the little drummer boy" I'm not sure how we started listening to that, but that's all he wants to hear in the car. I know for Joel's family it's a felony to listen to any christmas music before thanksgiving, but i don't mind hearing xmas music in sept or oct. and we rarely hear anything but "the little drummer boy." Jayce's choice is always "mamma mia" or "super trouper" which jaeden can sing almost both entire songs. his music memory is amazing.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Jaeden's 4th Birthday Party

Jaeden had a blast at his Pirate Birthday Party. He'd been waiting for his party for several weeks. When I asked him what he wanted to do for his party, his response was party games. We played musical blankets while listening to some fun pirate music. Jaeden and James, who was the oldest 6, were the winners. We then went outside to find some scattered pirate treasures - party favors wrapped in foil. Before going outside, the kids could pick a hat, hook or eye patch to wear like a pirate. We then ate cake and opened a few presents inside. Next, we went outside to follow a treasure map - the kids listened to steps required to find One Eyed Crazy Joel's treasure. They ran, hopped and skipped from the backyard to the front where they found a big red 'X' on the fence with One Eyed Crazy Joel waiting and protecting his pinata treasure chest. Jaeden and the kids loved this game, and when the fence was opened, they picked up the treasure chest and took off running. Jaeden had to play the game again after his friends left. And his favorite part was walking the plank - a 2 x 6 balanced on cinder blocks. The first thing he asked this morning was if he could go walk the plank - at 6:40 am when he woke up, luckily it was still fairly dark. Somehow we've managed to not yet go outside, but I'm sure that won't last for long. Jaeden talked about his treasure hunt the rest of the night. It was cute, when he said he thought there was going to be a real pirate behind the fence, not daddy. I'll try to find more pics, but I think we videoed more of the party than took pics.

The pirate ship cake with a small (un-iced) island, since Jaeden doesn't eat icing. Jaeden informed me that he wanted the treasure chest buried on the island, not put on the boat, and the parrot was to be looking out for the treasure chest.

The kids loved all the candy on the boat and the swedish fish in the water.

Daddy and Jayce looking for treasures. Jayce picked an eye patch to wear and looked very cute.

Brandon enjoyed walking around in the yard. Junie and Jaeden are seen behind him.

Jaeden blowing out his candles. Zachary came dressed with his own pirate hat. Jaeden had told him last Friday that it was a dress up party. So Zachary came prepared.

Jaeden blew out the candles first like he wanted, and then we lit them again for everyone else to blow them out. He sat there very patiently the second time around.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our Trip to Utah - Nov 2008

As all that read my blog know, I'm still trying to fill in the 3+ months of no blogs that occurred at the end of last year. I last left off with Cancun... Two weeks later we made a suprise Thanksgiving trip to Utah; well, Windy and Misty knew since someone had to help pick us up from the airport very late Wed night. Joel loves suprises. He called his mom early Thurs morning pretending he was making his favorite yams here in Texas. We drove down to Jorgy and G's house and exited the car at the end of the street. We then walked the short distance to their house and rang the bell just in time for a yummy Thanksgiving meal.

The boys had a blast playing in the snow. Jaeden and Jayce loved throwing snowballs. Jaeden even tried hitting a little girl on her sled with one of his snowballs. Jaeden liked stomping on his mini snowmen that daddy made.

FINALLY... belly shots for those in Utah

This is me today at 33 weeks and 3 days....

This is me at 39 weeks and 2 days, on my way to the hospital to deliver Jayce...