Sunday, March 29, 2009

Things they say/do on Sunday

Every sunday at church, the boys always come up with something new or do something funny.
Today, we brought some new puzzle books, which kept Jaeden entertained the whole 1+ hrs of church!! There's 4 puzzles (about 20 pieces each) in each book. I felt bad that they were not church related. I do try to bring some church related things for them to play with - the felt book Christy got Jaeden for his birthday one year is still a favorite church activity!!! Of course, one book was all about dinosaurs - Jaeden's current favorite topic, and the other was sea creatures.

While playing with the ocean puzzles,
Jaeden asked, "How did Jesus make the water?"
My intelligent response was "He just did."
Jaeden: "Did He just get a bucket and pour the water into a large hole?"
Sounds good to me! My thinking afterwards was, I guess you can bring Jesus into any activity at church. If he can think about Creation, while putting together a puzzle with fish.

Jayce is always a little character. Of course, my boys love passing/taking sacrament. Free food at church!! Jaeden must help hold/pass each tray. Today, after Jayce took a piece of bread, he started demanding, water, water, water. I quietly reminded him that we must say a prayer first before we get the water. Jayce then took it upon himself to say the prayer. He folded his arms and began...Father, Day...Amen. I told him that the older boys must say the prayer before the water will come. Luckily, he happily waited for his turn.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Things they say...

Jaeden: "Tell me a story" He would much rather hear something we make up than read a book!! For the most unimaginative mom ever, I've actually been able to make up a handful of stories he's asked to be repeated!!

Jaeden: "I'm an allosaurus".."tyrannosaurus rex"..."triceratops" He's very into dinosaurs lately, and he refuses to call it T-rex, you must say the whole thing.

Jayce: in a deep voice "Tyrannosaurus rex..rrrrrrrrroooooooaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr" it's the funniest voice and sound!!!!!

Jayce: "1-2-3-4 blast off"

Jaeden: "I've wanted to do that my WHOLE life" Well, his 3 year old life dream was accomplished, when joel let him take lint off the dryer's lint tray.

Our 1st Semi-ER Trip 3-4-09

Suprisingly, we had made it almost 2 years with 2 boys and no ER visits. Watching these 2 daredevils jump, climb and run on everything, we know our future holds many visits. On Wed, Mar 4, the boys were being boys and slamming the doors, which of course has been one of our 5 house rules for a long time!! Yes, there are only 5 simple house rules and they are posted on the fridge. Jaeden can practically recite the rules. And one rule is "No playing with doors." So, Jaeden slammed our bedroom door pretty hard, and a sign above the door fell and hit Jayce in the head. Luckily, the sign was fairly light, but it did fall about 4-5 feet, Jaycer's only about 34" and the sign was above our door only a few inches from the 8' ceilings we have. Joel was the only one home when it happened, and he was able to stop the bleeding quickly, but he knew right away that the gash needed sutures!! I unfortunately was still at work since Wed is typically one of my late days. Somehow, Joel called Dr. George, who he works for, and they planned to meet at one of our offices and help sew it up. Dr. George's wife is an ER doctor, and he called her to come assist. So Joel and I got to hold down screaming Jayce, while she quickly put in 6 sutures. And it was a piece of cake to remove the sutures compared to getting them in!

Since dinner was skipped that night in lieu of the head gash emergency, we stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home, and Jayce ate at least 1/2 of my blizzard!! And there's been no sign of permanent head trauma!!

Luckily, it was a very straight laceration, and almost in the hairline. It's healed very well, and getting harder to see.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Houston Rodeo 3/3

We actually made it out to the Rodeo again this year - me, joel, the boys, grandma, papa, julie and her boys. It's amazing how hard it is to schedule an afternoon together with this many people!! Of course, the boys had another exciting year seeing the animals and tractor, running on the small, pretend hill and riding the carnival rides. Jaeden wasn't quite as adventurous as he was last year, but he still had a blast!!
Adorable baby Brandon, my nephew, and Jaeden watching the horses and calves.

Jaeden and Daddy

Jayce and Daddy

Jaeden, Jayce and Zachary running on their favorite hill. Jayce had a blast counting 1-2-3-4 blast off and running full speed downhill!! He won't count any higher than four but counts and blasts off with everything these days.

Grandma Junie and Papa were interviewed by Channel 13 News. Unfortunately, they said it would air at 5:00 and of course, we were still having fun at the rodeo then!
The future Borden's Elsie the cow. The current Elsie was just to the right not pictured.
Jaeden insisted on riding the pony again.
Jaeden petting one of the cute bunnies on display.

Our future Farmer's of America testing their tractors.

This was the sign above this cow which is only 2 days before Jayce's birthday. It's a good thing boys don't grow as fast as cows!!! This cow is also exactly 6 years younger than my nephew Davis and still much much larger!!

They enjoyed flying in the genie together!!!

Jaeden's favorite is the obstacle course with nets to climb, slides, balls to run through and more!

Jayce's favorite was the jumping jeeps, the same as the frog ride in Branson!

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 3/7

So, the Saturday after my birthday Joel bought tickets to see the musical CCBB. He knows how much I love seeing musicals/plays and had tried to buy tickets for our anniversary in August, but there was actually nothing worth seeing in Houston at that time. So, he told me that CCBB was playing and asked if we should go alone or take Jaeden with us. We did decide to take jaeden with us, because several months ago his favorite movie was CCBB, and he knows the whole story by heart. That is one of the longest movies ever, and he could watch the whole thing at one time! Needless to say, Jaeden absolutely loved the musical. He kept asking to go back for awhile, but we had to tell him that CCBB was now in another city. It was pretty cool to see the car flying on stage. Not sure how they did it, but it did appear to be flying all over!! J0el was shocked when he asked Jaeden on the way to the show what the kids names were, and jaeden answered after a little thought, "I think it's Jeremy and Jemima" Well, Joel was surprised to find when we got there that Jaeden was correct!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

North Carolina 2/27-3/1

Joel and I enjoyed the 2 days of conference and alone time before the boys and grandma junie arrived. I'm not very good at being away from the little guys, even if they do drive me crazy most of the time.
One of the few pics of all 4 boys together. Jayce loved being carried like this while Davis ran around the house.

Hard at work building their train tracks.

Regular boys playing rough.

We all had a blast at Davis and Wilson's house. The boys loved playing with their older cousins and learned some fun, new games. Jaeden loved playing "battle" - wrestling/fighting Dad v. Davis, Wilson and Jaeden. I think Jayce finally figured out who was who before we left. We kept trying to get him to point to Jackie, but he thought Wilson was Jackie the first two days!!! It will be much easier though when Jayce gets to see them again in June!!!

I had my first 30th birthday celebration at their house with yummy, yummy cake and new earrings!!! Thanks again, I've been wearing them daily with lots of compliments!!!

The second pic we got with all 4 boys. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the cake!!

Jaeden snapped this shot, with surprisingly very little help!!

Jaeden and Jayce got to meet their first kitty cat. Shark, the cat, did very well with constant attention, esp. since he's not very fond of kids. He frequently would make his escape by going back outside. Jayce absolutely love Shark, and now every kitty he sees. The other day, there was a small cat in our driveway, and jaeden and jayce were both trying to play with him. Of course the cat was smart and tried to stay under the cars. Jayce is so funny, because he constantly says 'Kitty Cat' 'Kitty Cat' while trying to play with the cat.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I was so excited to spend my 30th birthday at home with the boys!!!! It was the first full day off since I started full time, and probably the last until June when everyone's back from maternity leave here at work!! The boys were the normal selves. We didn't even go anywhere because they were being quite good and having lots of fun playins.

They both helped my make my own birthday cake. And by help that means eating the powder out of the cake box. Jaeden loves dry mixes - cake, brownies, bisquick, muffins... So he always has a little bowl and makes a huge mess!!! But at least they were happy while I mixed the cake.

My mom and dad stopped by after dinner to help sing and share the cake!!!

Joel bought me a new laptop!!! I'm so excited to start using it. I always complain that I would blog more if I could do it from the living room, and not have to be in our room where the computer is currently set up. Well, yesterday joel and my dad spent a combined 8 hours trying to get the wireless router to work, but never were successful. He's going to return it and hopefully the next one is not defective.

The boys got me DVDs "Mama Mia" and "Horton hears a who." I loved the Mama Mia movie when we saw it in the theater, and it was great watching it again. Actually, Jaeden loves listening to the songs and watching parts of the movie. I can't wait to see the other movie with them too.

Well that was my day!! You wonder why it's taken so long to blog since we left NC, but I think this is my first time to sit down since we got home. We have been running non stop as the next few blogs will show.

Happy Early St.Patrick's Day

I was hoping to change the blog background shortly after I turned 30, but it's taken me almost 2 weeks to get to the computer. These last 3 weeks have been busier than usual, and I'm going to try to catch up with everything this weekend!!