Jaeden at 4 months was 13 lbs 12 oz and 25 inches.
Jayce at 4 months was 13 lbs 15 oz and 25 inches.
As can see, Jaeden and Jayce were always about the same size for their age. Jax is just much bigger. Jaeden and Jayce at 4 months were only a couple ounces more than Jax at 2 months! Jax has already surpassed Jaeden's 6 month weight - 15lbs 6 oz.
Jaxon still loves to smile and play. He still rolls from his belly to back, and is close to rolling back to belly. He's always chomping on his hands, and is starting to wean off the pacifier. None of our kids have been pacifier babies. Jax did love his at first, but rarely uses it now.
These pics are from 12-1-09 but they show his general chunkiness, and
yes, Jackie - we are still using Davis' tub from 2001!
1 comment:
I chuckled at the weights of the other boys b/c my friend's son recently had a check-up and weighed 13 lbs. Oh, did I mention it was his ONE-MONTH CHECKUP??? I can't even imagine!!!
I bet it's so fun to have comparisons between all the boys! (in a non-competitive way, of course! ;-)
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