Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jaxon's Standing

Once Jaxon decided it was time to move, he did everything at once - belly crawl, pull to stand and cruise.  He's still working to improve it all, but he's moving more and more.  I tried to get a few pics with him standing, but most turned out very blurry!  It's hard to take a picture and try to make sure your baby doesn't fall flat on his face.  He actually turned himself around so that he was leaning on the fireplace.
I was trying to get his super smile, which can be seen a little through the blur.
Proof that I really was trying to prevent a fall, and therefore, have super blurry pics!
Of course, once I solved the blur factor, he would not look at me or smile!!

Jayce's Slogan

As mentioned in previous posts, Jayce is our resident menace. His favorite saying lately is "You fix it! We break it!!"  Yes, it sounds like Handy Manny (which they rarely watch).  But he loves to destroy things and make things fall apart. I'm not sure how he came up with this backwards saying, but it makes me laugh.

Above pic is from May when we had a picnic at the Houston Temple.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Jayce is 3!!!



Happy Birthday Jayce!!
Jayce is still our resident Menace.  He makes us laugh everyday with is funny comments and actions.  He currently loves Darth Vader and Star Wars.  He still enjoys watching Dora and battling his big brother.  He's our bug man, and loves to find and pick up bugs and worms.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jaxon's 8 Months!!

It's amazing how fast they grow up!  Jaxon's 8 months - Today!!  I finally remembered to blog on the actual day :) But it could be because I missed his 7 months, as well as Jayce's 3 years - Much still to blog about from this past month!! This last week Jax has decided to move. He wasn't going anywhere Saturday, and now he's belly crawling across the floor. He also loves to stand and is even trying to cruise a little. He's pulled to stand for a few weeks, but is really loving to play standing up now.  Before he turned 7 months he started making baba sounds, but now his favorite thing is to blow raspberries and get everyone and everything wet with spit!!