Monday, April 4, 2011

Backyard fun!!!

Spring has been great around here - nice and warm, but not HOT, which we know is just around the corner.  The boys enjoyed their first outdoor water play of the season.  The water was a little cold, but they insisted!!!  We had been to the grocery store earlier that day, which is rare for Jaeden and Jayce to come with me, and Jayce insisted we buy a watermelon - one of his favorite things!!!!

This is what they left!  I couldn't believe how much Jaeden and Jayce ate - almost half. Jax still won't touch it, eventhough he loved it last year.

The boys also love watching the lizards around here.  We can't leave our house without seeing 1 (or 5). They're everywhere.  Jaeden loves trying to catch them. He has a few times; usually I tell him not to get it right before he grabs it.  One afternoon I looked out our back door and saw this...

Jaeden and Jayce enjoyed watcing the lizard try to eat the bug before he scurried off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous watermelon and a warm day. This is so not happening in Utah right now. The lizard picture gave me the creeps that is why I never look around at your house, I just might see a lizard or frog.