Sunday, September 21, 2008

Surviving Hurricane Ike

Sept 13, 2008 The first pic is a look down our street towards I-45, and the second pic is our front yard shortly after the passing of Ike. Hurricane Ike arrived shortly after midnight with heavy rains and wind. We lost power at 4:30 am, and I know the time because we were previously awakend by the loud winds. We were very fortunate to not have a tree fall in our yard, as many neighbors in our area had trees on their house or in the yard. Ike's path really seemed to go straight up I-45 from Galveston, and yes, we are the 5th house from the freeway. We were truly blessed to have power restored 45 hours after losing power!! Most of our neighborhood including those across the street from us are still without power 8 days after the hurricane. My parent's just had their power restored yesterday. Their power return was delayed because of a tree that fell on power lines across the street from them.

Hopefully, it will be another 20+ years before a major hurricane hits Houston again. The last major hurricanes were Alisha in 1983 and Carla in 1961.

I have much to blog from this past month - our trip to Branson and then Ike have hindered my blogging this month.

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