Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yes - I'm still blogging!

I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but I seem to always be busy :) I don't know how some of you (emily) find time to post everyday!!

my new background is inspired by Jaeden, who is very excited about seeing the fireworks. Tonight at dinner Joel asked what was coming on Saturday, and Jaeden replied - Fireworks, not Daddy's birthday as Joel was expecting.

People around us have been practicing with fireworks for the last week, and a few nights ago, Jaeden asked about the noise, and when learning it was fireworks, we had to open the blinds in his room "just in case he could see some from his window." although we did tell him, it was very unlikely!

i have so much to blog about, but i'm also living life and trying to study for my board exam i'm hoping to take later this month. lots and lots of studying is still required!!!


Christy said...

You do much better than me. I don't even blog at all, not that I have much to blog about. I wish I could be there to watch fireworks with Jaeden it would be so much fun. I keep saying I am going to send the boys a letter and then another day passes. Tell them it will be coming soon. Happpy Birthday Joel

emk said...

Ooohh-- I got a shout-out!! :-) And I know I'm obsessive-- but I feel the pressure after the poll where I was instructed by THE PEOPLE to blog every day! hee hee. Seriously, though, it's like I have a full-time job again. If only I could figure out how to get paid for it....

Welcome back! Have a great holiday weekend!

Don, Windy, and Bode said...

I love that Jaeden is more excited for the fireworks than Joel's birthday! The boys are so cute, we miss them already. I wish they were here to show Bode how to climb on his new(hand-me-down) Little Tikes Playground.