Jayce: "Open your belly." translation - lift up your shirt so I can play/poke/sing at your belly/baby. Earlier today, he played construction on the belly using a saw, hammer and drill. Fortunately he's learned to be gentle. This is a fun activity at home, but he tends to say it everywhere we go, but luckily my shirt has only been lifted up at home. Jaeden on the other hand does not usually like to see my belly and is always trying to close the shirt.
Jaeden: "Jaeden would like..." "Jaeden told Jayce to ..." " Jaeden...." yes, for the last 2 weeks, he has decided to speak in third person. we're not sure where this came from, but it keeps us laughing.
One of Jayce's favorite activities is to fall from standing straight to the ground. He goes from vertical to horizontal without bending anything. I'm really not sure what hits first. Occasionally, it's his hands, but he looks more like a belly flop on the ground. yesterday, he decided to a belly flop from his stool (which is only about 8 inches high) but he was standing on the stool, and the next thing we knew he was lying on the ground. Only once did he hit his nose, but it didn't stop him from doing it again.
Jaeden's current favorite song is "the little drummer boy" I'm not sure how we started listening to that, but that's all he wants to hear in the car. I know for Joel's family it's a felony to listen to any christmas music before thanksgiving, but i don't mind hearing xmas music in sept or oct. and we rarely hear anything but "the little drummer boy." Jayce's choice is always "mamma mia" or "super trouper" which jaeden can sing almost both entire songs. his music memory is amazing.