Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jaxon's 9 months!!

Jaxon's turned 9 months with the CHICKEN POX!!  Yes, the chicken pox.  Everyone remembers having them as a kid, but the vaccines been around for almost 15 years, so it's pretty rare now. So, where did they come from??  Well, sad to say, it was from me.  For whatever reason, I had a mild case of shingles (which is a re-activation of having chicken pox earlier in life) about one month ago.  The only benefit is that I've saved him from 2 shots. 
Anyways, Jaxon still loves to stand and is cruising around the couch and table regularly. He occasionally tries to stand alone, but it's very brief. 
Jaxon's saying lots of sounds and is saying 'Mama'.  He likes to babble mamamama, but is also starting to connect it with me.   Finally, the third child says Mama before dada :)

Working his way around the chair.

Luckily, it was a mild case of chicken pox.


Don, Windy, and Bode said...

Wow! He is gotten so big and we haven't met him yet. Totally our fault. Like I said find us a kid to adopt down there(anywhere in Texas will do) and we will be visiting for at least two weeks.

emk said...

Oh no! Glad both of you had mild cases of your ailments!