Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jordan's 1st month

Since I haven't been blogging, this will sum up the last month for Jordan....

2 days old - First day at home nice and quiet with mommy while the family went to church

10 days old - Sleeping with dad while Jaxon jumped on the couch

Sleeping in my swing. Mommy forgot to get a carseat picture on the way home from the hospital, but got this instead at 10 days old.

14 days old - Still playing with mommy. (A rare picture of me on the blog)

16 days old

17 days old - Jordan's already experiencing the danger of having 3 older brothers. Jaxon decided on his own to climb onto dad's head, using dad's hair to get up there.

22 days old - Buckeye pride starts early, even if the year may not be great. This jersey has been worn by a Jorgensen boy every season since 2005. (It's 12 months, and they have each worn it for 2 years). We'll see if it continues to survive as the gray is starting to come off.

4 weeks and weighing 10 lbs even with clothes on

Chubby Jordan

Night before Jordan turns one month old! Thanks Aunt Jody for the new outfit!!

1 comment:

Aliccia said...

He is one handsome Joregenson!