Sunday, August 30, 2009

Things of Late at the Jorgensen House

As usual, the boys make funny comments on a daily basis and keep us thoroughly entertained and always on our toes.

Some of our favorites...

Jayce - 'Dum Dum Head' which he started himself, and we've been trying to stop

They both love to say 'Budde Road' (pronounced booty) since they know they can't get in trouble for saying this nearby street name.

Jaeden is always into pretending to be someone else, and gives the rest of the family their pretend names as well. Although we frequently hear Jayce saying, "No, I'm not blank, I'm Jayce Arthur!"

They love to battle/wrestle with Daddy. Jayce love to charge head first into Joel, whereas Jaeden likes fighting more from a distance with occasional sneak attacks. Wrestling ends with a 'boo-yah' chest bump, which usual sends Jayce down to the floor.

Jaeden is always puzzling us with deep thought questions, such as "How does the baby come out?? Do they cut you open?" We've taught him that mommy's have a 'baby tunnel' and that's how the baby comes out of the belly. And we've left it at that. Although his next question was "Can I watch the baby come out?" Which we replied with a definite NO!


Misty and Jason said...

Can I watch the baby come out? That is great! I love that kid

Christy said...

I always knew Jaeden would take after me and be a OB/GYN. When I am out there next him who knows what he may want to pretend to be.

Christy said...

also I may need to be careful when I am around Jayce as he is already starting to be a potty mouth. You know aunts always teach neices and nephews great things. Just ask Jody what Joel taught Trevor and Travis

Don, Windy, and Bode said...

I think we all need to see a photo of Jessica and her big pregnant belly.